Thursday 25 March 2010

Victory beach, Sihanoukville

We are now at the beach in Sihanoukville. Victory beach at at Sihanoukville to be more precise. Its really nice here..Quiet with a sandy beach and warm clear waters. We arrived 4 days ago after taking a coach from Phnom phen. The 4 hour journey was pretty good except the driver insisted on tooting his horn at every single bike and vehicle that he was about to overtake...Pesky noise because it was loud and we were near the front lol....

We are stopping in a bungalow village which is set in a mini jungle. We are up on a hill and thus have a view of the sea. The wooden huts are up on stilts and around the grounds are chickens and 3 dogs. We also get visits from little gecko's plus daddy gecko came to visit us the other day..

He was a little bigger than we have been used too..

We have generally settled into the beach lifestyle and do little except lay on the bed under the fan, lay in the hammock on the veranda, lay on the beach (which is only 5 mins walk away) and sometimes we even sit down at a table (to eat).

Our beach is very quiet, but in an effort to push the limits of peacefulness even further we are about to embark on a journey to stay on an island called Kaoh rung. This island is about 2 to 3 hours boat ride away and only has a small amount of fishermen living there and 4 guesthouses. The one we are staying in is pretty remote with no electricity. We will be living the Robinson Crusoe life. Not sure how long we are staying for yet. Could be 4 days, could be 14!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Szia Lee!Egyszer már neked is írok hátha megérted.Jó nyaralást! Erika anyu.