Friday 11 November 2011

Day 6 - Hunt for the lions

Got woken up at 6:30am this morning by my personal American alarm clock. The words 'gee', 'awesome' & 'like' are not really the words you want to be woken up with in so early in the morning..Sometimes I hate people you know...... lol. But we did need to be up early anyway as we wanted to go out early to a spot at the southern end of the park about 10 kilometres away where the last sighting of 2 lions was supposed to have taken place 2 days ago. It was a long shot but worth a try.

But despite 6 hours of searching we didn't find any. The closest we got was when we saw what we think was fairly fresh lion shit! Despite no lions, we did see more warthogs, some nice colourful birds, a scrub hare, ostriches, more elephants in a field of purple thistles (we kept the elephants at a safe distance this time) and what we initially thought were meercats but we later identified as yellow mongoose.
An Addo national park road.

Is this warthog laughing?

Elephant kissing?

Scrub hare.

There was alot of this giant cactus around in a certain area.

Yellow mongoose.

Notice this male only has one tusk!

These elephants really enjoyed eating these thistles.

We made sure we were away before they crossed the road.
After lunch, we decide to chill for a bit and relax in the tent. I had a siesta then went to photograph some of the birds. Later we sat on our porch with our wine. It was a overcast and a bit chilly though as it had been most of the day. Also being as it is Friday night and the weekend is coming it is now starting to get busier, so I am glad that we are leaving tomorrow.

Why did the tortoise cross the road?

Red bishop.

Red bishop on its nest.

View to the left of our porch.

View from our porch into our tent.

Our bed for 3 nights.
View from our bed.

View to the right from our porch.

Leaving the park. Our tent was the first on the left.

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