Sunday 14 February 2010


So we have left Agra and made our journey to Delhi by train. The journey was by far the worst that we have ever experienced. Somehow we ended up in chair class which meant that although we had a seat. Everyone else was able to enter the carriage too. Which they did in numbers! Think rush hour on the tube for 3 and a half hours except on the tube you don't have peoples elbows, bums and other body parts stuck in your face. Not only were people sitting on the overhead luggage racks, they were although crammed full in every other space possible. To add to the fun a group of men joined the train set up there loudspeaker and began singing praises to Shiva through their radio mike all accompanied by mini cymbals and a drum.

The hotel at Delhi was nice, although we were placed into a different block from all the other wedding guests so we never met anyone until the day. We did take full advantage of the room service though lol!!!

Suitably attired for the wedding we met the group at 5pm as arranged to be ready for the ceremony to begin at 7pm...The wedding didn't actually begin until about 10. No-one seemed to mind though. The wedding itself was really good, very extravagant with lots of stages, tables, flowers, waiters and a massive choice of delicious food. We managed to see it through almost to the end (4am) before admitting defeat and heading back to the hotel. The following day we checked out at 12 and made our way to the train station. I was not looking forward to the trip to Varanasi as I had just about had enough of train journeys by this point. We also could not see our train displayed anywhere and I was more than ready to head to Delhi international airport and get the hell out of India...tbc

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Silvia Martin said...
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